Where can I get a deal on brake pad replacement in July 2021 in Nashville, TN?
Brake pad and rotors rebates and special offers in Nashville, TN this month
Where can you get a deal on brake pad replacement in July 2021 in Nashville, TN? We currently have several special offers and service coupons available for drivers in the Nashville area, including brake pads and rotor rebates. Keep reading below to learn about our current brake replacement deals at Carl Black Nashville.
Seven brake installation service coupons available in July 2021
What service coupons are available in Nashville this month? Well, we have several for those of you who need your vehicle’s brakes repaired or replaced. You can see our service coupons on our website to view more information about coupon expiration dates and disclaimers.
- Brake pad rebate: Receive a $40 rebate on front and rear GM Genuine brake pads or $20 on front and rear ACDelco brake pads.
- Brake rotor rebate: Receive a $40 rebate on four GM Genuine Parts or ACDelco brake rotors.
- Front brake installation: Pay $129.99 for most ACDelco Silver front brake pads installation and receive a 12-month, unlimited-mile warranty.
- Front brake installation: Pay $149.99 for most ACDelco Gold front brake pads installation and receive a 24-month, unlimited-mile warranty.
- Front brake installation: Pay $199.99 for most GM Genuine Parts front brake pads installation and receive a 24-month, unlimited-mile warranty.
- Front brake rotors: Pay $149.99 for ACDelco Silver front brake rotors installation and receive a 12-month, unlimited-mile warranty. (Most cars and small SUVs)
- Front brake rotors: Pay $189.99 for ACDelco Silver front brake rotors installation and receive a 12-month, unlimited-mile warranty. (Most trucks and full-size SUVs)
What do Chevrolet warning lights mean?
Where to find great deals on Chevrolet maintenance in Nashville, TN
You can find Chevrolet maintenance coupons on our website. Just use the navigation at the top of our site to locate the Service Specials page. Then, print out the coupon that you wish to use and bring it to our dealership during your appointment. Even if you don’t drive a Chevrolet, these are great deals to take advantage of.
Learn more about our brake services
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